I am going to jump around my memory banks for a while until I find my groove.  I make reference in my earlier post to the origins of my interest in East Asia.  I will likely return to my times in Japan as recollections re-emerge.  For the moment, however, I will fast forward to my final days of college.

Somewhere I acquired a deep-seated yearning to know what I was made of.  I wanted to test my mettle.   I first recall feeling as I prepared to graduate from college.  I found myself with a recurring daydream that I might parachute myself into the middle of the Amazon jungle with minimal supplies (a la chewing gum and a fish hook), and then challenge myself to bushwhack my way out.

Pic: Pixabay

In the end, I got cold feet and let the sense that I should start generating income rather than incurring academic debt pull me away from this plan.  By what seemed then as complete chance, I received and accepted an offer to work at General Motors instead.  What might have happened had I declined the offer?  Might I have gone to the actual Amazon?  Might I have travelled to China or Taiwan to round out my East Asian expertise?  I’ll never know.

In later years while in the crucible of a figurative startup “jungle”, this untended desire to test my mettle reappeared to shape my endurance in difficult circumstances.

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